Men have created the get away card, you may ask what does that mean. Well it's simple the card has a motto that say's (Do No More and No Less). These crafty beautiful creatures of God have done something explosive. Ever wonder why men never get slack from there parents or girlfriends or friends in general its quit simple, they do exactly what there are ask, no more no less. Ever feel that when your brother or boyfriend or friend does what you ask but you still are upset, but than you realize you can't be upset he did everything you asked him to do. It makes you upset because you want them to go above and beyond what was asked. Men are simplistic in there actions but some are very aware of the things and situations around them. They do what they have to do to shut people up or to get out of the situation.
Girlfriend - Take out the trash
Boyfriend - Ok
(later on that day)
Girlfriend - Why is there trash in the yard? Why didn't you pick up the little pieces that feel out the trash?
Boyfriend - All you asked me to do was to take out the trash and I did that.
As you can see here he did exactly what he was asked no more no less, as the girlfriend get angry and picks up the trash herself. As much as we want men to go above and beyond its not going to happen in every situation. No more no less, it eases stress on yourself and cause havoc for the other person(s). You should try it do no more and no less, give them exactly what they ask for!
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